
Do you have a new business? An existing business? Having trouble getting "found" in the myriad of other websites out there? Good, current design and working on your SEO (search engine optimization) will help. But..."Content is King". We have content writers who do a great job. 

Websites - why???

The internet has become a portal and primary method of research, connection, education, and entertainment throughout the world. In 2019, there were 4.2 billion global internet users. That’s more than half the world’s population, and they are using the internet for all kinds of reasons. What’s the one thing those reasons have in common? They require a website, and each website requires a skilled web developer. Website development refers to the work that goes into building a website. This could apply to anything from creating a single plain-text webpage to developing a complex web application or social network.
We have teams that will help you get your site(s) up and running and noticed or just redone so it's current. Whatever the need, let's talk and see what we can do to help you.

Why Content?

“Content is king” in SEO is unique. High-quality and current content is essential for a good ranking in search engines like Google. During the early days of the Internet, websites were able to achieve a high ranking just by loading the text with keywords. That's no longer the case.  Google now has provided new updates like Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird that rate quality content increasingly higher. A variety of factors influence the ranking. The weighting is constantly analyzed by search engines for different factors. However, experts agree that the content of a website is one of the most important criteria for ranking in search engines. Therefore, “content is king” in the SEO industry. Only with high-quality content can the ranking of a site be optimized.

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